When we moved to our new house, my mom donated to us her old bedside tables since we didn't have any. This is what they look like.... sad face...there's a matching one on the other side of the bed.I didn't leave them like that...I had a grey sheet tossed over each one which really wasn't much better.
After browsing through some new fun blogs, I came across a tutorial from
Ana White showing how to make a gorgeous, knife-pleated slip cover for a parson's chair. I repeat....
gorgeous. And then it hit me,
I could make gorgeous little knife-pleated slip covers for my night tables!
Now as you may know...I have this habit of dreaming beautiful things...starting beautiful things....and then finding them semi-finished in the back of the closet three years later.
Not this project! I was determined to get'er done...and get'er done I did!
I had been eye'ing up this beautiful black idon'tknowwhat material at Fabricland on the upholstery/tabling/drapery shelf. Low and behold, it was on sale when I came to get it! Wooooo sale!
A bunch of math, pinning, cutting and sewing later....this is how my first one turned out! Isn't she beautiful?! I gave the legs a lovely coat of silver spray paint to give them some class too!
EDIT: This picture is way better than the one I had up! Now you can actually see all my beautiful knife pleats! |
Here's a close up so you can see the gorgous material and the pleats I so carefully measured eye-balled....
Here's how I did it: (
I didn't take too many pictures of the process 'cause the lighting in my house is lame so you'll just have to imagine as we go)
This was the most complicated part - getting it all planned out. Bear with me and feel free to ask if my directions make no sense!
1. Measure the diameter of the tabletop and add 1 inch (1/2 inch seam allowance on either side)
2. Measure the circumference of the tabletop and add 1 inch for seam allowances
3. Measure how long you want the skirt of your cover to be, including pleat.
- Decide how long you want the pleated section to be and subtract that from the total length of skirt.
4. Take the length of skirt
without pleat and add 1 inch for seam allowances
5. Take the length of pleat and double it - add 1 inch for seam allowances
For example: My table stands 25 inches high. The length of my finished skirt with pleat is 9 inches. The finished pleat is 3 inches and the finished skirt is 6 inches. Therefore, my unfinished skirt measured 7 inches with seam allowance and my unfinished pleat also measured 7 inches with allowances (you fold this piece in half).
Once you've got all your measurements:
1. Cut out a circle using the diameter of the tabletop plus 1 inch.
2. Cut a long rectangle for the skirt. The long edge should equal the measurement calculated in point 2 above (diameter multiplied by 3.14). The short edge will be the length of skirt in point 4.
3. For the knife pleat pieces, double the circumference length and add a foot or so (piece it together if need be...the seams won't show). The length should be twice your finished length plus 1 inch for seam allowances.
Mark all your pieces so you don't mistake skirt pieces for pleat pieces!
To make the pleat:
I referred to an awesome tutorial by Pink and Polka Dot on
how to make knife pleats. She lays it out really clearly. I will emphasize one thing though
. Do not underestimate the length of material you need. You will
definitely need twice as much plus a foot. I eyeballed my pleats as she did...I'm not that picky..or patient.
To make the cover:
1. Pin your finished pleat to the skirt piece, right sides together and sew.
2. Iron seams up.
3. Match and pin the ends of your skirt/pleat together, right sides together and sew. You should now have a complete circle.
4. Take your tabletop circle and pin to your skirting, right sides together. Use lots of pins and do an inch or so at a time keeping the edges lined up (this is not an exact science..)
5. Sew!
6. Put your finished cover on the table to make sure everything looks good.
7. Fix it if it doesn't!
8. Iron the seam down toward the skirt (use the narrow end of your ironing board for this)
9. Put your pretty new table cover on and admire!!! (I ironed it again while it was on)