Monday, July 19, 2010

Home Decor Project?

I need to confess. Crafty is ...well....hardly the proper term to describe me. My imagination has been curtailed by 4 years of Science (or that's what I like to blame anyway). I took a first-year art course and found it more stressful than my fourth-year Population Statistics course! The problem lies in that I dream that I'm crafty. I FEEL that I am crafty. (And by crafty I mean artsy....not sneaky:) Far too often I find myself wandering through a thrift store, HOPING to find SOMETHING that I could turn into something wonderful like so many women do. I peruse blog upon blog and bookmark ideas that I THINK I could recreate to fill the empty walls of my house.

Yes, they are empty. One whole year later. The other problem lies in my inability to make decisions (and spend money). Don't hate me for the latter. It's a curse. Seriously. I spent at least 15 minutes standing in the aisle at Wal-mart today, debating on whether I should spend my last $15 cash on a project OR save it for that elusive something better. The only reason I finally moved was because I started wondering if someone had noticed that I had been standing there I left without my project supplies.

My hope is that by posting this, just maybe I might be inspired to actually do know...just to say that I actually followed through with my plan. (and hopefully maybe it turns out the way it looks in my head). So here it is.

Oh yeah. The third and most important problem is that ...well...the few projects I have attempted...suck. Period. Oh well.

The blog that I drool over the most is Sarah @ Thrifty Decor Chick. She made these fabulous wall panels for CHEAP - inspired by similar Ballard design panels which are NOT CHEAP.

(Ballard Design panels)

(Sarah's awesome rendition)

You can find her tutorial HERE! .

So the brain-child project is to create a fancy bulletin board in this style. The plan is to use four squares of cork-board which I stared at in Wal-mart today ($10). Two squares I will cover in a colorful material, yet to be found. I'm leaning toward a classy pattern in...eggplant? Brick red? Both? The other two I would like to try and DRAW on. EEEEEKKKKK. Just the word DRAW.. kinda makes me skeeeeerd.

My inspiration for that part came from Maryann @ Domestically Speaking who was also inspired by Ballard Design. She turned an old bulletin board into a classy piece of art by drawing a damask design on it! So pretty!

(Classy Ballard Design board)

(Maryann's beautiful outcome)

You can find Maryann's tutorial for this project HERE!

So that's my plan. Two cloth covered blocks and two with a chinese'ish bird and branch motif on them. Done and done! Wish me luck!

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